About This Game Remember those days long ago when the idea of gaming was only text?Those adventure games that drove you nuts, typing in 2 words "go north", "Take Torch" etc...Frustrating you to no end trying to think of the right combination to just open the freakin door!Well here it is. The chance to actually FINISH one of those games, in true graphical style!No more 2 word commands, just point and click your commands! (OK, this was for the PC version, which is now in VR so reach out, grab that item and use it!)This is a graphical remake of the 1978 Tandy game: Pyramid 2000.(A tribute to the original style games that started it all)We tried to stay as true to the text as possible, but due to not having a graphic artist we had to make do with what we could and it is progressing nicely!Hope to see you at the end!Christopher/Notso :Team/GDD Creator (This team was great, it all went smooth! thanks guys!)Level/room designScene decorator...Does this sarcophagus come in pink??Prop Master/funding of the little things required to finishIP rights procurement (License to use music, etc...)Directed and performed VR playtesting.Alvaro Urrutia LunaCoded extended gameplay features and VR integration.Textured, modeled, and structured levels in a coherent art style.Customized, modeled, and polished scene item game objects.Customized, modeled, and created icons for inventory items.Directed and staged camera and lighting effects.Modified/remodeled Logic and UI for VR.Thanks to:Game Engine:Unity, the editor, the team, and the whole community behind it.Framework:Adventure Creator - ICEBOX StudiosMusic:Derek Fietcher - Ancient Egyptian Music - Pharaoh Ramses IIAssets:3D Everything - Temple of the Pharaoh, Egypt Tomb 2.0Next Level 3D - Ancient Modular TombsKiria - Medieval Barrows and WagonsMatias Romero for the great font.Jason Booth - Texture Painter toolMichal - Volumetric LightsVRTK and TheStoneFox for such a great VR Fundations plugin.We would appreciate a report on the issue instead of a negative rating so we can have a chance to fix the issue. Also please remember that not all Indie games can afford to create their own assets, we did purchase the majority of ours from Unity Asset Store and gave credit to those artists.3 of us started out on a website called Indieteamup, from 3 different countries. We picked an engine, Unity, a framework, Adventure Creator, and I had the idea for the game. 2 Months later we had a complete game, just needed the set dressing and texturing for release, then along comes the Vive, 2 of us decide to convert it to VR, and here we are. Please enjoy!This was a non-VR game we developed that we converted to VR, so please be patient as we change everything for room space play!This is mainly an exploration game with a few minor puzzles and some treasure to collect. Please enjoy! (This is not in any way meant to be historically accurate so there will be a mix of hieroglyphics and 'god' images unrelated or completely out of context).The final release we might package the PC version with it as well, until then if interested in the PC demo please see our gamejolt page.brought to you by...Notso Entertaining Productions: 7aa9394dea Title: Pyramid VRGenre: Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:Christopher Meyer, Alvaro Urrutia LunaPublisher:Notso Entertaining ProductionsRelease Date: 6 Jan, 2017 Pyramid VR Download] [serial Number] So my Mom had this bucket list item of seeing the pyramids and I got this to impress her in her first VR experience. This game is jerky, has poor wall recognition where you walk to close to the wall and your VR will go black and the video sometimes glitches\/flashes... I have to say that this has\/had potential but from the looks of it there are not updates and no real desire to make this a fantastic playable adventure. I had always thought that Nat Geographic should have made a tutorial\/exploration game that you could either turn on or off mummys etc... but this is just not a quality game.My Mom played for about 10 minutes and then with too much walking into blackness and jittery environment her equilibreum finally said enough was enough and she ripped the headset off and said she was going to throw up... it seemed close. Took about 2 hours for her to 'settle down'Maybe take what you have here as a starting point and try getting funding through kickstarter or indigogo to take it to the next level? This is a homebrew that needs to be fixed... I love the concept, just the programmer(s) didn't have the skill or knowledge to make it consumer friendly. I only recommend this to seasoned VR players that can handle poorly written VR gaming at this time.... At 0.99c there is absolutely no reason at all not to pickup this game right now. It has story, it has adventure it has puzzles. It's the adaptation of an older text adventure \/ interactive fiction title, exactly the type of game I've been looking for in a VR experience. My only problem is finding more time in my schedule to play it. Really looking forward to seeing more from this developer as this titles evolves and into the future.Check out my latest quickplay of the game here -https:\/\/youtu.be\/8EWqpCOswxI. This game requires you to be standing in order to read & interact with many of its objects, but it ALSO very frequently forces you to use continuous (non-teleport) movement in order to get around the environments and reach objects. I can deal with some amount of joystick movement if I'm seated, but having the room slide around me while I'm standing is uncomfortably dizzying.This game also does the thing where sticking your head into a wall turns the headset black, which is fine in *theory*, except that you can also joystick-move into walls instead of colliding with them? Which means that at one point, I was trying to pass through a doorway, but instead I moved "into" it, and the headset went black -- and I was trying for about 30 seconds to figure out what direction I had to push in order to get back out before I just gave up and quit the game (since the directions that the joystick maps to are relative to which way your head is facing, and of course I turned my head to try and see if I was just facing a dark wall or something...)The game also does very confusing things with hand-tracking; if you move your hand near a grabbable object, it will move towards it automatically, which is actually a great idea in theory, but maybe it should have been a 'ghost hand' (while your real hand stays where it is), or just a remote highlight; when the game takes away your hand tracking, it's very confusing to figure out what you have to do with your arm to get it back, if you're trying to reach for the item NEXT to the one that "grabbed" your hand from you.All in all, you spend so much time fighting the interface that it's almost impossible to just enjoy the game. The environments look nice, and I wish I could have seen more of them (I wound up giving up on the second room), but I'm going to have to wait for a pretty significant overhaul before I can play this.. Hey Guys im new to VR and this is my 2nd review on any game. Once I got in the Pyramid I found myself lost in discovery and mysterious adventure. (which I must say made me jump a couple of times). If this is your type of game. Its money well spent. Thanks to the Dev Team. : ). This is one of the most immersive experiences I have had in a long time. It took me a few minutes to get oriented and understand the mechanics but once I did and I was blown away. I have never played a VR game that so effectively captures the feeling of walking through an ancient pyramid the way this game does. It is absolutely beautiful and almost terrifying. The craftmanship that went into the level design is brilliant. Every corner brought something wonderful for me to explore. The dark corridors and the constant feeling of excitement at whats next to discover is fantastic. This is a gem in the rough. Not everything is perfect of course and I only played it for a brief amount of time but I cant wait to get back in and see whats next to find. The Pyramid VR is huge and full of wonders to behold. Give this game a chance especially if you own a Vive. It is absolutely wonderful. As a developer of VR myself I can see that Christopher Meyer and Alvaro Luna put a tremendous amount of work into this. They really captured the essence of what it must feel like to explore a real life Pyramind. Great work guys!!!. It is a fun game so far. I have not finished it, but you do get the sense of being inside some large, ancient structure. The inventory system works, but was not always on the first attempt (I assume some practice would make me better at using it). I would prefer the text descriptions to appear all at once instead of letter by letter. I personally would like an option for teleport style movement; the walking\/gliding style movement really is tough for me to handle. There is also something odd about the first table - whenever I lean down to look at it I get pushed away in VR.. Fun little treasure hunting game, even scared me once :DI always wanted to explore ancient egyptian pyramids so perhaps Im a little biased.Its not finished yet but whats there is good and for the price there's no question that its a thumbs up.
Pyramid VR Download] [serial Number]
Updated: Mar 23, 2020